Can you really make a website for Rs 99?
The answer is NO.
Rs 99 is a price of domain, ONLY for 1 month, that means 1188/Year. Hosting price is different. You can't place the website anywhere without hosting. It will not be available on the Internet. So you have to buy the space as well.
Hosting packages are start from 449/mo, that means 5388/year. (*Read the offer carefully. Hosting company will highlight the amount 149/mo but when you renew, it will be 449/mo)
Now how will you make a website? There are two options.
- Go to a web designer and they will handle everything. Like Domain, hosting, SEO and other stuff.
- Or you can make own your own with Website Builder. Where you have to just pick and drop everything without having to code. (*But there are some limitations: Website builder often appear easy to use at first. However when you try to dig into templates, customizing pages, and resizing images, they start to become a painstaking process. It can take a while to learn how to change certain sections of the website to avoid upsetting website builder. This can be extremely time consuming. And missing SEO in starter package. What is the point if you can't be found on Google? SEO does require time and skill.)
*Website Builder is NOT FREE. They let you create a free website, but you cannot connect your domain with a free website. It will be like or or
So if you want to connect your domain then you have to upgrade it to premium. Its basic plan will start with 199/mo, that means 2388/Year
Total cost= Domain+Hosting+Website
1188+5388+2388=8964/Year → Consider this amount as your minimum budget of website.
*There is no such thing as a FREE Domain. The cost of the domain name is then recouped from the hosting fee, mostly available with annual plans. Free domain offer applies only to the initial purchase term.
*The cost may vary as per the hosting providers you choose. These all amounts are for the basic plans and not suitable for the enterprise.
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